Inspection Services

Public Sector Housing Inspections

Regulations and standards are important to protect the State's investment in housing but equally as important is the verification of accommodation standards. To safeguard these interests our public sector clients choose from a range of inspection and technology service provision.

With a proven track record in the PRS space, our experience and touch-screen inspection tools make complex property inspections simple and efficient. Rented housing providers can choose to:

  1. Use the Inspex Inspection technology under licence
  2. Outsource inspection requirements to Inspex & benefit from shared resources including our scheduling team for booking appointments and contact centre for support

Private Rented Sector - HAP & RAS Tenancies

The PRS in Ireland is known to some as well-regulated and to others as overly regulated.  Whichever your opinion, the current environment has its roots in the Housing (Private Rented Dwellings) Act 1982 designed to provide for security of tenure, the registration of rented dwellings and for standards of accommodation. More recently The Residential Tenancies Act 2004 and subsequent amendments seek to modernise and professionalise the sector.

The Equal Status Acts 2000-2015 apply to anyone who provides or uses accommodation including landlords and tenants.  The Acts prohibit a landlord from refusing to offer accommodation or from terminating a tenancy on ten grounds including gender, marital or family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age or disability.  From 1st January 2016, a landlord should not discriminate against a person in receipt of rent supplement, housing assistance or any payment under the Social Welfare Acts.

Just as with all private tenancy agreements, accommodation offered to HAP & RAS tenants must meet minimum standards for private rented housing.

Under these schemes, a landlord must self-certify a rented property meets the minimum standards.  A local authority will inspect a property to ensure it meets the standards.  For those participating in the HAP scheme, inspections are likely to be scheduled within 8 months.  Payments may be suspended if the inspection of the property shows that the accommodation does not meet the minimum accommodation standards for rental properties.